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System-3 Team

Why This and
Why Now?

Over the past 30 years, I have spent the entirety of my career focused on the evaluation and selection of Executive-Suite and Board talent. I have been blessed with the opportunity to have met with, interviewed, negotiated with, and advised incredibly gifted leaders. However, throughout my career, I have been frustrated with the evaluation process in that it is often based not on objective data but on informal interviews and references, 360s and an over weighting of experience (have you done it before). And yet, the net result of this methodology for companies, has been the huge cost  of failed searches and promotions, leadership turnover, and the loss of internal up and coming and diverse  talent that was not identified and developed. Finally, I felt enough is enough.

System-3 was born with the goal of objectively identifying leadership excellence, more accurately predicting the success of current and emerging talent. We accomplish this by focusing on measuring the unbiased, core leadership competencies required in today’s and tomorrow’s world and the capacity to apply them. Our technology is meant to bring objectivity to the decision-making process, resulting in more accurate evaluation of talent and broadening the pool of choice to include deserving and diverse candidates and achieve better choices, greater progress, and increased success.

Elan Pratzer
System-3 Founder

Over the past 30 years, I have spent the entirety of my career focused on the evaluation and selection of Executive-Suite and Board talent. I have been blessed with the opportunity to have met with, interviewed, negotiated with, and advised incredibly gifted leaders. However, throughout my career, I have been frustrated with the evaluation process in that it is often based on informal interviews and references. Experience (have you done this before?) has always reigned supreme in the decision-making process.

Elan Pratzer

And yet, the net result of this methodology for companies, has been lower than acceptable rates of successful hires or promotions, up and coming stars being frustrated and leaving, and a lack of meaningful diverse representation in the senior echelons of business. Finally, I felt enough is enough.

System-3 was born with the goal of achieving excellence and diversity in the Executive- Suite and Boardroom by more accurately predicting the success of Executive-Suite and Boardroom recruitments and promotions, and by focusing on what is important: the assessment of the unbiased competencies required in today’s and tomorrow’s world and the capacity to apply them. We re-orient our assessment lens to focus on assessing competencies and whether a person can actualize these competencies in a work setting. Success today depends not only on asking did you ever? but can you? will you? With this, we hope to broaden the pool of choice to include deserving and diverse candidates and achieve better choices, greater progress, and increased success.

Elan Pratzer
System-3 Founder

Elan Pratzer

Our Team

This is a System-3 image of Elan Pratzer founder of System-3. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Elan Pratzer


This is a System-3 image of Malka Lewittes co-founder of System-3. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Malka Lewittes

Head of Legal & Special
Marian Pitel

Marian Pitel, PhDc

Head of Research and Product Innovation

Chris Heselton

Head of Sales

Mike Berg


Erica Naccarato, MASc

Head of Customer Success

Alexandria Elms, PhDc

Customer Success Manager

Sam Winer

Product Marketing Manager
Chase Rutkowski

Chase Rutkowski

Lead Developer

Claudie Coulombe, MA

Data Scientist
This image is a team member of System-3.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Heather Graham

Manager, Business Operations

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