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A game changer because of the insights gained on key leadership competencies... also because it is so easily scalable across our organization. The results of my team were frighteningly accurate.
Amy Bruyea, SVP HR, Home Trust Company
System-3 is a powerful tool for leaders and leadership
Yousry Bissada, President & CEO, Home Capital Group Inc.
System-3 provides essential insights about team culture,fit and individual leadership styles. All of this is done quickly andcost-efficiently.
Jeff Rosenthal, Managing Partner, Imperial Capital
System-3’s innovative leadership simulation assessment gives my clients and I immediate data to accurately evaluate candidates. The solution is critical for helping us determine fit to role, team, and company strategy.
System-3 fundamentally informs how we approach reference checks and onboarding in a data drivenway.
Steven Pezim, Managing Partner, Bedford
The simulation was engaging, realistic and a great bonding experience. We are excited about how System-3 can help us in leadership development and discover hidden top talent in the organization.
Neil Oliver, CEO, Torstar
System-3 process, objective data and report brought insight and clarity to our team's leadership competencies, individual development needs and leadership planning, and caused me to adapt my own leadership approach to meet the needs of my organization
Alan Winer, CEO and Founder, The Harbour Group
The System-3 approach is an innovative and disruptive tool to objectively identify leadership talent while mitigating bias in succession planning and talent assessment for leadership roles. Black Opportunity Fund is pleased to have provided insights to product development and participated in the beta testing to help hone this important tool. Well done to the whole team!
Craig Wellington, Executive Director, Black Opportunity Fund


You have to see who can and wants to lead, not who already is: CEO of predictive technology company

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The Leadership Challenge

This is a System-3 Graphic with words Risk Aversion.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Social, legislative and regulatory forces have caused the corporate world to recognize bias and commit to diversity hiring at the Executive-Suite and in the Boardroom. These commitments are not being met and pressure is mounting.

This is a System-3 Graphic "Competitiveness". Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Companies are recognizing that diversity at the Executive-Suite and Board level is an asset and has been proven to be connected to more competitive companies.

This is a System-3 Graphic "War on Talent". Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

The War on Talent is here and there is not a sufficient pipeline of experienced, and diverse people to meet the demand​​​​.

This is a System-3 Graphic Recruitment Pipeline. .System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

At the Executive-Suite and Board level, companies focus on hiring experienced prospects and there is not a sufficient pipeline of experienced, diverse prospects to meet demand.

(Axios, Mckinsey & Co., 2021)

This is a System-3 Graphic with word "Missing Target"  .System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Diversity at the Executive - Suite and Board level are not meeting recently targeted numbers.

(The Globe and Mail; Spencer Stuart, 2021)

This is a System-3 Graphic with words Risk Aversion.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Companies are not comfortable taking the risk of hiring prospects at the Executive-Suite or Board who are not proven experienced leaders in those positions.

his is a System-3 Graphic: "Lack of Solution".System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

There is not an unbiased, predictive, cost-efficient assessment solution to reveal Leadership Readiness of prospects who lack experience at the Executive-Suite and Board.

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
This is a System-3 image of a chair. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

High Cost of Failure

Executive talent selection has a 50% failure rate and the cost of a failed executive hire is estimated at an average of $500K.

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
This is a System-3 image of a chair. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

War for Talent

The world is transforming at a rapid pace, and companies are desperate for high performance, effective leaders.  There is not a sufficient pipeline of experienced and diverse talent to meet the demand.

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
This is a System-3 image of a chair. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks


Current executive evaluations are mostly unstructured, subjective and based on past performance and are therefore inaccurate, biased and not predictive.

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
This is a System-3 image of a chair. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Lack of an Affordable and Scalable Solution

Current executive talent evaluation and selection tools are expensive and not scalable.  There is not an unbiased, predictive, cost- efficient solution to identify Leadership Excellence.

This is an icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksThis is an icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksThis is an icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

System-3 is a Game Changer

System-3’s unbiased and predictive Leadership Simulation measures whether emerging and experienced leaders deploy the core leadership competencies required for success in today’s business environment, when responding to the complex decision-making requirements of real-life executive challenges.

Employing algorithms and models minimizing the bias and mistakes inherent in human judgement, System-3 measures performance against a current benchmark of today’s accomplished and diverse executives and against customized client internal leadership benchmarks.

System-3 provides organizations with an analytics dashboard and the intelligence and actionable reports with immediate impact for leadership effectiveness.

A SaaS- based solution, System-3 is affordable and scalable, rapidly deployable and easily integrated.

This is a System-3 image. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Achieving Excellence
and Diversity
in the Executive-Suite
and Boardroom

Learn more
System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Reducing human bias
towards better and more diverse
Executive suites and Boards


The System-3 Solution

System-3 unleashes unbiased, predictive power of
Leadership Readiness by deploying a system that integrates:

Video Simulations

Proven methodology for accurately and powerfully predicting human behaviour, carefully engineered to balance realistic scenarios and scientific integrity.

Computer image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Video-based simulations make for more predictive assessments
compared with pen and paper assessments. (Christian et al., 2010)
Know Your Audience

Attract the right leads with a persona driven experience

At the heart of every successful website is a deep understanding of the customer experience. And it starts with asking questions. We know what it takes to build a powerful narrative that will help you stand out from the crowd, bring in new advocates, and drive sales.

This is a System-3 abstract image.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Leadership Science

Evolving leadership competency framework strongly modeled on decades of traditional leadership research and verified through our own large-scale studies that establish what’s necessary for leadership success in the workplace today.

Research-based Competencies that Matter

Based on a meta-study of over 500 academic leadership studies, rooted in traditional leadership research and fine-tuned with findings of leadership success in today’s business environment, System-3 selected the critical Leadership Competencies that minimize bias and are most predictive of performance.


Our S-3 BenchmarkTM – A dynamic, proprietary, current and unbiased benchmark of outstanding leadership performance

Live and Evolving Database

Based on the aggregated performance of accomplished and diverse Leaders, the S-3 BenchmarkTM is a unique and powerful database. System-3 employs advanced analytical and machine learning techniques to measure leadership  performance against the
S-3 BenchmarkTM and customized client benchmarks.

This is a System-3 image. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Prospects are measured against the S-3 BenchmarkTM to establish their
Executive-Suite Leadership Readiness.
Next Chapter

The System-3 Solution

System-3 unleashes unbiased, predictive power of
Leadership Readiness by deploying a system that integrates:

The System-3 edge


Proven methodology for accurately and powerfully predicting human behaviour, carefully engineered to balance realistic scenarios and scientific integrity.

Real-life Interactive Challenges

First-person, interactive, immersive experiences curated from interviews with top Executive-Suite, that place those being assessed at the center of complex scenarios, challenging them to make difficult decisions.

Connect the Dots through Science

First-person, interactive, immersive experiences curated from interviews with top Executive-Suite and Board members, that place those being assessed at the center of complex scenarios, challenging them to make difficult decisions.

Real-life Interactive Challenges

Algorithms, based on underlying science, measure several data points relating the prospects' decisions and their interaction with the assessment, against the unbiased leadership competencies selected by the System-3 Science Team.

Computer image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Video-based simulations make for more predictive assessments
compared with pen and paper assessments. (Christian et al., 2010)
Leadership Science
The System-3 edge

Leadership Science

Evolving leadership competency framework strongly modeled on decades of traditional leadership research and verified through our own large-scale studies that establish what’s necessary for leadership success in the workplace today.

Corroborated by Today's Leaders

Based on a meta-study of over 500 renowned academic leadership studies, rooted in traditional leadership research, and, fine-tuned with findings of leadership success in today's day-and-age, the System-3 Science Team selected the most essential leadership competencies that are bias-free and predictive of KPIs.

Research-based Competencies that Matter

The System-3 leadership competency framework is pressure tested against  System-3's powerful and diverse Advisory Committee, representing a range of industries, communities, and thought-leaders.

Research-based Competencies that Matter

Based on a meta-study of over 500 academic leadership studies, rooted in traditional leadership research and fine-tuned with findings of leadership success in today’s business environment, System-3 selected the critical Leadership Competencies that minimize bias and are most predictive of performance.

This is a System-3 abstract image.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
The System-3 edge



Our S-3 BenchmarkTM – A dynamic, proprietary, current and unbiased benchmark of outstanding leadership performance

Live and Evolving Database

Based on the aggregated performance of accomplished and diverse Leaders, the S-3 BenchmarkTM is a unique and powerful database. System-3 employs advanced analytical and machine learning techniques to measure leadership  performance against the
S-3 BenchmarkTM and customized client benchmarks.

Data-driven Readiness Ratings

Based on the aggregated performance of hundreds - and soon thousands - of accomplished and diverse Executives and Board Members who complete our simulations, the S-3 Benchmark is the most unique and powerful database of Executives’ and Board Members’ unbiased competencies in the modern era. The evolving S-3 benchmark will foretell the changing nature and mix of competencies required for Executive-Suite and Board Members to meet the challenges of their era.

Live and Evolving Database

System-3 employs advanced analytical and machine learning techniques to measure a prospect's performance in the simulation against the S-3 Benchmark. That performance, determines the Readiness rating they receive.

This is a System-3 image. Talent.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Prospects are measured against the S-3 BenchmarkTM to establish their
Executive-Suite Leadership Readiness.
Next Chapter
This is a System-3 icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Reduce human bias and random nature of assessing human capital through the use of a systematic and unbiased methodology

This is a System-3 icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Expand your Talent Pool to include people that can and will perform, regardless of previous Executive-Suite and Boardroom experience, using our unbiased and predictive solution

This is a System-3 icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

More than 50% of hires fail at the Executive-Suite. Add objective data amd state-of-the-art leadership science to your human capital practice to make increasingly better human capital decisions

This is a System-3 image .System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Companies engaged in building diverse cultures at senior levels win the war on talent, seeing higher retention, happiness scores and improved recruiting

This is a System-3 icon.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Employees and Investors increasingly expect companies to strengthen their ESG, diversity, succession planning and development plans.  

The System-3

The system-3 benchmark

A unique competency dataset created with the
top 1% of the executives in the market.

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Re-focus hiring on leadership competencies without overweighting experience, resulting in more diverse candidates.
Real data curated from a select group of diverse executives
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas ante vitae elit vehicula mattis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas ante vitae elit vehicula mattis
Arrow Image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksArrow image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Graph image.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Graph image.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Graph image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Science-backed: measure what really matters

Measure the leadership competencies that really matter for
executive leaders and board members.

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Informed by a Diverse and Select group of Top Leaders
Powered by Decades of I/O research
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas ante vitae elit vehicula mattis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas ante vitae elit vehicula mattis
Arrow image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Graph image.System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksEllipse ImageSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksGraph image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksGraph image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Graph image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Graph image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

Predictive power

“Simple models beat humans” (Noise, D. Kahneman) in consistently predicting future performance, and can better help inform your selection and succession decisions

System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
Reduce bias in measuring competencies
Find hidden Talent inside and outside of your organization
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas ante vitae elit vehicula mattis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In egestas ante vitae elit vehicula mattis
arrow image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksSystem-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarksGraph image. System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks
System-3 is a SaaS-based predictive simulation that is diversity and data science-driven for talent assessment based on proven executive leadership benchmarks

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